Sunday, November 6, 2022


Decidedly not the book for which I penned an introduction. Although, one could make a perverse argument that Wilson's book is a "Quality Religious Book For Children."

Hello, all. Today I've finished up my introduction to The Walls Came Tumbling Down. I've attempted over the course of my many revisions to play off the ideas that Wilson inserts into the script to continue the dialogue, as it were. Sometimes I might sound a bit dire, but like Wilson and all my beloved "fathers," I am a crank. When it is released next year, I sincerely hope you all enjoy it. Or that it at least doesn't sound like fried drivel. Whichever. 

I'll have my final Sex, Drugs & Magick post up this week. Thankfully, I have a couple days off from work this week. I'm also gearing up for the Natural Law reading group on Tom's blog and will soon have my review of Alan Moore's Illuminations over to him for publication there. 

I'm not sure what I'll be doing here in the coming months. Perhaps not much of anything. Along with Tom's blog, I'm rededicating myself (for real this time) to following Oz's excellent series on Deleuze. I heartily recommend checking out his YouTube channel if you haven't already; it is a real pity that Oz's philosophy isn't one of the bigger ones infecting minds on that website. 

Yours in Ambiguity, 



  1. Thanks for the plug and link to my YouTube channel, AC.

  2. I have toyed with the idea of reading Balzac's conspiracy novel "The Thirteen" which plays a big role in Rivette's film "Out 1".

    1. A friend of mine was fond of "The Thirteen." Aren't there a few novels that concern the group? I read Flaubert's Bouvard and Pecuchet with was a pretty funny book.

  3. I don't know. One of the characters in "Out 1" carries a copy of "The History of the Thirteen" around with him as he tries to understand the conspiracy. I enjoyed the film, and I thought I might rewatch that very long film over a few weeks and carry a copy of "The History of the Thirteen" around with me during those weeks.

  4. It appears that "The History of the Thirteen" is a novella and two longish short stories and the Thirteen are always in the background. If you want to do a reading group here, I'd be happy to put that on. I'm working on my final S, D & M post right now.


Lion of Light: It is All About the Child

"Kung walked              by the dynastic temple        and into the cedar grove,              and then out by the lower river, And wit...